Friday, November 6, 2009

The Advancements in Cell Phones

The emerged around the nineties. Slowly they gained more popularity, as you saw more people with cell phones. The very first cell phones seemed not as practical. The were way too big. Their was no way you could fit those bad boys in your jeans pocket. When i think about the look of the very first cell phones, i think back to the popluar show Saved By The Bell. The main character, smooth talker Zack Morris would whip out this big phone about a 12 inches tall. I cant imagine some one walking around now a days with that same phone. It is too much of a hassle to lug that phone around.

I was in 5th grade when i got my first cell phone. It was one of those Nokia "bricks". I thought i was the coolest thing. I was able to make calls anywhere, and it had one game, snake, which i played constantly. Then more people began getting cell phones. Then came the fad of making the cell phones more fun. People began designing fun caps and stickers and antenna tassels to have more fun with the phones. Kids would come in to school with so much pizazz on their phones.

The I got into high school, the newest phone to have was flip phones. It was much thinner and when you flipped it up there was the key pad. Those became the coolest things to have and all the different phone services have made many versions to flip phones. The enVy phone was one of the first to have a number key pad on the front then when you flip the phone open their is a alphabet key pad, which made it easier for texting.

Flip phones are still the most popular form factor for cellular phones, however they have been losing popularity to phones with slide-out keyboards, and touch screen phones like the iPhone. These have become the newest advancements to cell phones. The less buttons there are the more cooler.

The ability to connect to the internet has also been a new step for cell phones. Phones such as the Blackberry and iPhone make for a person anywhere in the world to connect to the internet. I am not sure what will be the next thing for cell phones but it will be different.

1 comment:

  1. I love my iPhone. Before I had this little black and white flip phone that I had been carrying around for years.

    I think the biggest part of the advancement of cellphones has been the fact that we can now fit our lives into our cellphones. Our music, our SNS, our contacts, all in one little device.
