Thursday, December 3, 2009

Youtube, so good to me.

Youtube has become a site that I use everyday. It became one of my most visit web pages online. Everyday Youtube grows even bigger with more videos being added at this very moment. These videos fill a wide range of the interests of everyone around the world. Youtube helps me with my interest in music. Itunes is great and all but I am not rolling in the dollar dollar bills (if you know what I mean). Sometimes I don't want to pay the price Itunes has for me to listen to a particular song and Youtube makes it easier to listen to music. Sometimes my friend gives me a name of a song that I should listen to be cause he says it's awesome, Youtube would most likely have the entire song posted, where I could listen for free. If I'm likely, the user who posted the video might of put the lyrics to the song with the video post.
My sister actually found this website, where you can copy the URL of any Youtube music videos and this site converts it into a MP3. And if you have a MAC computer, this site will automatically import that MP3 song into your Itunes. So it is a sneaky way to get music from Youtube videos. Take that Itunes! Ha!
Youtube allows for anyone to post any video they please and it allows for anyone with access to the site to watch the video. Some of these people who posted these videos got their 5 minutes of fame thanks to the high number of views their videos received. Some memorable videos became so popular that it became something, which was shared throughout the world. Some of the videos, which I have seen probably over ten times.

-Charlie Bit My Finger: This cute but funny clip shows two young British babies, where the younger of the two (Charlie) bites his brother's finger. This home video became so popular on Youtube.

Mad TV's "Can I Have Your Number": this skit was debuted on MAD TV but it was so funny someone uploaded it onto YouTube. This skit features this "gangsta" dude who tries to ask this woman (Yvonne) for her phone number in the middle of the movie theater. After seeing it, you couldn't go a whole day without hearing somebody or you yourself quoting a line from the clip. Mike and Ikes were never the same.

Scarlet Takes a Tumble: in this home video you can't help but laugh or feel really sorry for Scarlet, a big girl who happens to take a nasty fall while she is singing. She slips off the coffee table during one of her routines. Scarlet really eats it and the video doesn't end with the fall because the video continues with scarlet rolling on the floor in pain unable to stop the recording. Poor Scarlet :(

How to learn Beyonce's "Single Ladies" dance: Beyonce's hit single became a world wide hit because of the music video. Everyone wanted to learn the entire dance, so people started posting videos of "how to" leran the dance. Some were really good and others were just hysterical. I have to own up to the fact that I spent 3 days rewatching the video in slow motion trying to be able to do the complete dance.

David After the Dentist: I don't know what made David's dad start recording this video. David had to visit his dentist to get a tooth removed. In the car ride home David was still feeling "loopy" on the drugs. David "felt funny" and was so funny to watch.

There are so many other videos posted on YouTube, lots are extremely funny, even some of the comments left on the videos can crack you up. I like to go onto YouTube because i know i can be entertained for hours because there is so much on this site.

1 comment:

  1. I have spent full days on YouTube. You have some good ones up there but you should really include this one And of course
