Friday, October 9, 2009

Parental Control

I started a facebook senior year of high school because school was ending and all my friends were going off to schools in different directions. Facebook would allow me to keep in contact with my classmates and creep on how their life is.

My mom was not liking the idea of facebook. She had told me not to get one because their are a lot of crazys out there. She would tell me and my sisters that could possibly get our information and come track us down. But my mom is nuts! like really? Someone would go to all that trouble to find me, because my facebook was not that interesting at that time.

So I never told my mom that i had created a facebook. I would hide the fact that go on to facebook when in the house. So i took some precautions so she would not find out about it such as erasing my Internet Explorer history. Also, it was good to have the house computer hidden in the study room because one would always find my mother cooking something in the kitchen.

I went off to college, making new friends there, which I soon added to my facebook friend list. Then more adults started to go on facebook and create their own profiles. The first one the friend me was my aunt. I was really hesitant to accept her friend request. I thought it be weird because my college life is different from my home life and i was unsure if i wanted to merge the two. After a week with my aunt's request chilling in "friend linbo", i added my aunt on facebook but with a catch. I put her on an unlimited profile.

Then about six months ago my mom got a facebook. I was shocked and i would never have expected it. But she did not try to friend me. I think she understood that i did not want to include my mom on my facebook. But for some reason over the summer, hanging out with my mom, i found out she knew pretty much all about what i have been doing in high school and that the things i had put up on facebook did not offend or make her upset with me. So for the start of this school semester i had accepted my mom as a friend and now i am in a special facebook group just for the girls in my family (sisters, mom and aunt) to keep in contact with each other.

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